
Knowledge Gained from Books or Gained from Expenience

Our knowledge gained from both books and experiences. In my opinion, knowledge gained from experiences is more important than gained from books.

The first reason is that we can learn from failures and mistakes we made in our life so that we will not make the same mistakes repeatedly.

Second, learning from experiences is active because we have to transform our knowledge into actions. We must use the knowledge rather knowing it; therefore, we input knowledge by reading books while we output the actions though our experiences.

Last but not least, we can make great progress from our experiences. Experience is the best teacher of everyone. Books teach us the concept and some methods. However, the most suitable method of solving problems in life differs from person to person. No one can tell us the best answer before we try.

To sum up, we absorb the complete knowledge until we realize how to use the knowledge flexibly. So I think knowledge gained from experiences is more important than gained from books.


To Live in a Small Town or in a Big City

Some people love to live in a big city, but others love to live in a small town. Compare these two places, I prefer to live in a small town because it has quiet environment, less pollution and beautiful nature which makes me feel relax.

One of the benefits of living in a small town is that the environment is quiet so that I can concentrate on my studying or enjoy the slow pace of the country life. Living in a big city is convenient and exciting but when it comes to a living place, I prefer to live in a quiet, peaceful one.

Other benefit is that there is less pollution in a small town. I live in Jinshan-a small town in Taipei County since I was born. Now I am studying in Taichung County, although this place is not as prosperous as big cities like Taipei City, I still miss the sea, mountains and fresh air in my home town. I inhale the fresher air and use the cleaner water than people lives in big cities. It is good for my health to live with nature in the small town.

Still other benefit, the most important one, is that living in a small town can make me feel relax. Under the stresses of presentations, assignments and examinations in the university, I need a place which can help me to relieve the pressures.

I love to live in a small town not only because it seems to be my home town but it provides the great living qualities-quiet environment, less pollution and relaxing place. So I prefer to live in a small town.


How to Become a Successful Person in Career

There are four essential conditions which can help people achieving success in their job: attitude, passion, different thinking and specialty. What makes differences between a failed person and a successful one? It depends on their attitude toward their works. A successful person has active attitude that he/ she is welling to do extra works after he/she finished the routine. But a failed person only wants to go home when it is time to leave and even does not handle his/ her duty very well. Many people give up when they meet difficulties and frustrations.

The second condition -passion, that helps us achieve our goal continuously. Someone who has such passion in his/ her career that he/ she takes challenges and tries every methods as he/ she could because he/ she loves his/ her job. When he/ she meets difficulties, he/she can bear them; therefore he/ she can hold on straight to the end. Then as we enthuse our job, we will improve our abilities and become better. The third condition, which is the most important and the most important one- to think differently, which means we can not follow the mass' ideas, on the contrary, we have to judge by our experiences and intuitive perceptions so that we can survive in the adverse circumstances. There are several celebraties who made the bset of different thinking, such as Tang-chun(唐峻), the last general manager of the famous company "Windows" and Donald John Truf, the Chairman, CEO of the Trump Organization and so forth. We see crisis as change's and learn from the failures or mistakes, the there is nothing to worry.

Last but not least, we have to cultivate our specialty. We must work hard since no one can succeed without it, and with the first two conditions, making us advance our own talent and learn other fields. Take actions after understand these four condtions if you are an active person. Keep them in your mind and then you can achieve your own successful career.


On my way home...

When I prepared to take Ubus home, I found the ticket selling store is closed. So I made a phone call to ask if I can give changes to the bus driver. Then I heard the answer that made me feel depressed. My school sister told me to take bus to the transfer station and take Ubus home. As I got on the bus and saw the view outside the window then I found that I took the wrong bus. I wanted to go home as soon as possible so I asked a man if "Chu-Yeh's bus" go to Taipei and he said "yes." It was too late to feel regret after I took on the old, shabby and super narrow bus. The seat was so small that made me feel very uncomfortable and I had to bear it though a long long distance. The whole bus only had one passenger who felt sick and regret. I forgot the stupid bus would not drive on the free way so I endure it for three hours and thirty minutes; however, I arrived Taipei. "Oh god!" I sigh out. I felt terrible and head-lighted. Two hours later I transited to my warm and sweet home. I certainly would not take Chu-Yeh's bus to Taipei in the rest of mu life!


Summary of Reading "Over the Deep Bule Sea"

I read a book which named"Over the Deep Blue Sea" and it was written by Daisaku Ikeda then translated into English. It was a story about Hiroshi and Akiko, they were brother and sister. Because their parents' work, they had been took to a wild island. They felt lonely until they met Pablo. He was a friendly islander and soon they became friends. Pablo taught them how to paddle a canoe, led them diving in the sea to see the colorful fishes, and showed them where a hundred sea turtles laying their eggs. He showed them everything he knew in this island.

One day Pablo asked his grandmother about the past of the wrecked ship showed which he showed to his new friends and found out the people in Akiko and Hiroshi's country were the islanders enemy during war time. So he decided not to play with "his enemies" anymore.
Hiroshi was angry because Pablo said he and his sister were his enemies. He paddled the canoe across the current alone. Soon the weather became terrible, Hiroshi was in danger and Pablo saved him. Finally, two men grabbed them on their ship.

The ship skipper told them that Pablo's ancestors and Hiroshi's were brothers in the past; sometimes people forgot and only remembered the war, like Pablo's grandmother did. After that, they were still good friends, not enemies.

"Sometimes people forget........" just like the ship skipper said, sometimes we would forget something, even the relationship between others and us. I made self-examination after I finished this book. And found that I had the same experience once when some events happened. It was a pity. If I can tolerate others' mistakes and different opinions, I would not intent to forget those things. This is a great book. It uses a simple story telling us the truths of life.

Hola Amigos!

Welcome to my blog pages!
Hello, my name is Jiang-Chin-Ying. You can call me my English name, Joanna. I am a optimistic, outgoing, and conversational person. I was shy and quiet when I met people who I did not understand at the first time. But I like to make new friends.

Actually, I am not good at writing so I hope that I can improve my writing ability in this course. I don't really understand how to write an English composition which includes clear structure and beautiful sentences. I also want to learn how to write brief sentences.

I would like to share my experiences of daily life and introduce some good stuffs to you.
The reason why I named the title"Beginner's Spirt" is to remind myself do not forget what my motives are and what I hope to achieve. To make my dream come true, I can not give up easily; what I have done is all for the preparation of my future.